The Newmarket Flyer October '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Newmarket October Flyer ’23

Welcome to The Newmarket October Flyer

In this month’s Newmarket Flyer: we hear from the Newmarket Town Council. We also hear about a upcoming events.  As well as news from local charities, groups and local comment.

News & Views from Newmarket Town Council

Halloween Trail

Can you find all the hidden items to complete the hunt? Join us in the Memorial Gardens during half term – Monday 23rd October until Friday 27th October during the hours of 9am until 5pm to complete our Halloween Trail.

Remembrance Sunday

Newmarket Town Council in collaboration with Newmarket British Legion is inviting any group who wishes to lay a wreath on Sunday 12th November to commemorate this year’s Remembrance Sunday to contact the Events Manager at or 01638 667227.
After the High Street parade, on Sunday 12th November, a Remembrance Service will take place in Tattersalls Sales Ring at 2:45pm with the Reverend Robert Otule of All Saints Church and the Newmarket Town Band,

Christmas Lights

Newmarket town centre’s Christmas lights for 2023 will once again be installed and maintained by Newmarket Town Council and Love Newmarket BID. Gala Lights will provide bespoke lights, and the installation will start around the 13th of November. Love Newmarket BID has organised another spectacular pre-Christmas extravaganza for the town on the 17th of November. The stage at the clock tower will have family-friendly entertainment. The event will be complemented by fairground rides. You do not want to miss out!

October Tea Dance

We’re happy to announce the next Tea Dance will take place on Friday 27th October in the Memorial Hall from 2.00pm to 4.30pm. It’s a truly authentic and timeless experience! Tickets are priced at £4.50 with light refreshments and fantastic raffle prizes donated by the Best Western Heath Court Hotel.
Come on your own, with a partner or bring your family and friends – and we are sure everyone will love it! Remember; It’s first come, first served for entry so arrive on time!

Meetings Schedule for October 2023
Monday 2nd October Development & Planning at 6.15pm & Leisure Services at 7.00pm
Monday 9th October Performance & Audit at 6.15pm
Monday 16th October Development & Planning at 6.15pm & Human Resources at 7.00pm
Monday 23rd October Full Town Council 6.15pm & Finance
Monday 30th October No meetings

Ways to contact the Town Council
Twitter: @NewmarketTC
Facebook: newmarkettowncouncil
Telephone: 01638 667227 +