The Woodbridge Flyer May '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Woodbridge Flyer May 2023

In this month’s edition of  The Woodbridge Flyer April edition. We from the Woodbridge Town Council.  We also hear from local clubs and groups such as Transition Woodbridge.  We also have news from local schools, groups and clubs.

The Woodbridge Flyer May 2023

Woodbridge Library May 2023 Events

 Opening Hours:

Mon: 10am – 4pm

Tue: 9am – 7:30pm

Wed: 9am – 5:30pm

Thu: 9am – 5:30pm

Fri: 9am – 7pm

Sat: 9am – 5pm

Sun: 10am – 4pm

Please note: The library will be closed on the following days due to Bank Holidays:

Monday 1st May

Monday 8th May (Coronation)

Monday 29th May

The Friends of Woodbridge Library

If you’re enthusiastic about libraries, would enjoy helping to organise library events and are willing to help with our fundraising activities, please ask a member of staff for more details.

Suffolk Libraries and Friends Charity Goodies

Show support for your local library with a Friends bookmark for £1 – which is magnetic, so you won’t lose your page.

Also available is a Suffolk Libraries “I’m a Borrower” tote bags for £3.50, or for £5 you can receive both the tote bag and as much fiction as you can fit inside!

Citizens Advice – Every Monday 10am – 12pm at the library

Free, confidential and impartial advice to everybody regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or disability. No booking necessary.

Open Space – Every Wednesday 1:30pm – 3:30pm

An informal drop-in for anybody interested in their mental health and wellbeing, as well as families and carers. It is run in partnership with Suffolk Mind. Discussions and activities are built from suggestions from the group. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Woodbridge Library on 01394 330855.

Knitting Group – Every Friday 2pm – 4pm

For all types of knitters from expert to beginners, sewing to crochet, come and share your knowledge or pick up some tips.


An art exhibition in the library showcasing local talent. During May, Wendy Raynsford will be exhibiting her work within Woodbridge Library, free for all to come and view.

Toddle Talk – Thursdays at 10am – 11am

Baby signing classes for babies/toddlers and their carers (4 months-3 years old)

Woodbridge Writers Group –17th May(1st and 3rd Wed of the Month)10am – 12pm

Join our friendly group for reciprocal feedback, encouragement, and support regarding anything you’re writing or have written. A group of like-minded writers will be meeting in the Meeting Room.

For more information, E-mail:

Woodbridge Board Gamers – Saturday 13th May 1pm-5pm

Come along to play modern strategy board games, both simple and complex, with a range suitable for all ages. All welcome.

Top Time Play Reading – Thursday 18th May 2pm – 4:30pm

A play reading group that reads all varieties and genres of plays in a shared format, taking place on the third Thursday of every month.

Woodbridge School Music – Music at Lunchtime – Tuesday 23rd May 12:45pm-1:30pm

Pupils from Woodbridge school will be performing at this free lunchtime event. Donations to the work of The Friends of Woodbridge Library (FOWL) will be most welcome. Currently they are raising funds to refurbish the children’s library.

Top Time Games Club – Thursday 25th May 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Improve your vocabulary and exercise your mind muscles with Scrabble or practice strategy and balance with Dominoes.


Every Wednesday 10.30-10.50am, Baby Bounce: Soothing songs and gentle nursery rhymes for babies and their grown-ups

Every Wednesday 11.15-11.45am, Tot Rock Rhyme and rhythm: music, songs and action rhymes for toddlers with their parents and carers.

Every Friday 10.30-11.00am, Story Time: Stories and more for young children accompanied by an adult.