The Woodbridge Flyer Magazine February 2024

In this month’s edition of  The Woodbridge Flyer Magazine February 2024 edition. We hear about events in Woodbridge.  We also hear from local clubs and groups.  We also have news from local schools, groups and clubs.

The Woodbridge Flyer Magazine February 2024

A big thank you

To all who participated, organised and helped to fund, the great Yuletide Event which Woodbridge Riverside Trust held in late December.  Celebrations began with Santa and his deputies rowing up the river to moor at Town Quay. Sae Wylfing led the way accompanied by the two St Ayles skiffs from Woodbridge Coastal Rowing Club. There were then a huge number of activities for families to enjoy among the beautiful Christmassy trees and lights on Whisstock’s Place. The Gallery in the Longshed held demonstrations of traditional crafts while a range of performers delighted the crowds outside where food and drink were enjoyed by many.

Special thanks are due to all individuals and organisations who generously gave funding and sponsorship for the event and all of those who opened their premises for the occasion plus the people who offered their services free – including the behind-the-scenes helpers.

Looking forward

After opening over Christmas and New Year, the Riverside Trust had a break from 3 -13 January for interior decorating to take place, re-opening on 14 January with a talk from Chris Turland on Canal Boats and Canal Art.

Our next talk will on Creative Song Writing by well-known singer/songwriter Phil Jackson on Sunday 4 February at 3.00 pm. After that, on Sunday 17 March at 3 pm, renowned artist Claudia Myatt will be showing the Southern Ocean Sketchbooks which she created on her epic voyages in 2019 and 2021.

Tickets  available on Eventbrite:

Book Sale

Our next Massive Book Sale is scheduled for Friday 9 to Sunday 11 February in the Longshed.  Here you’ll find a great variety of fascinating books, many with a maritime and/or historical theme.

The Longshed Youth Group

New for 2024, the Riverside Trust is offering  a programme of three free workshops for young people aged 12 -15, taking place on the following Saturday mornings: 24 February, 9 March, 23 March. These sessions will be led by Claudia Myatt who will teach participants how to draw the basic elements of Anglo-Saxon knotwork and patterns and use them to create their own colourful designs. The sessions are offered on a first-come/first-served basis (and will include one adult to accompany each teenager). To register for all three, please email

Further Youth Group activities will take place later in the year.
