The Thurston & Ixworth Flyer Magazine December '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Thurston and Ixworth Flyer Magazine December 2023 edition

Welcome to the December 2023 edition of The Thurston and Ixworth Flyer magazine. In this December edition of the Thurston and Ixworth Flyer magazine we have news and updates from local schools, clubs and community news.

Thurston and Ixworth December

Bardwell Primary School News

‘The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart.’

When we planned to use the story of Noah, as the symbol on our Resilience Cog, we didn’t imagine that it would be quite so dramatically introduced this term. What a lot of rain we’ve had!  The cries of, ‘Where’s my welly gone?!’ have echoed down the corridor rather a lot this term!

As always, the children and staff have ignored the rain and enjoyed plenty of late autumnal, outside adventures. Practical, hands-on learning has been out in force this term and school has been brimming with the sounds of fractions, times tables, soil sampling, fitness challenges, French, independent writes, ukuleles and solar systems. With our Dojo pages now up and running it’s great to be able to share photos with parents/carers once again.

Parents, carers and teachers have enjoyed our ‘Meet The Teacher’ consultations. Our teaching staff have told me how much they’ve enjoyed sharing children’s successes with their families and putting in place those vital home school links that help our children to flourish.

Bardwell Reception Update

Reception children got the playdough ready for our ‘new reception’ visitors in our taster sessions this term. They were so grown up and welcomed the nursery children with such warmth and confidence. It’s hard to believe they were the ‘newbies’ only 8 weeks ago!

We are seeking a new community governor for the school – can you help?

The School Governance Council (SGC) includes people from many different walks of life who also represent different sections of our community. The SGC works on all aspects ranging from health and safety, the school premises, aspects of the curriculum taught to the children, finance, and safeguarding to name but a few. Governors also formally visit the school to look at particular areas of practice to see how well we are achieving our aims. The Governors’ role is looking at the strategic management of the school and how, as a team, we can continue to develop our school to deliver the best experience possible for our children.

If you would like further details, please contact me using the details below.

As ever, if you would like to arrange a tour, please get in touch.

Mich Boyd – Headteacher

01359 250854

The Bardwell Behaviours

We are: Aspirational, Courageous, Resilient, Inquisitive,

Reflective and Kind Communicators.