The Stansted Flyer June '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Stansted June Flyer ’23

Welcome to your June issue of the Stansted and Dunmow Flyer. If you’re interested in outdoor theatre, Hatfield Forest starts its summer season with William Shakespeare’s  ‘Romeo & Juliet’ (14th June). Early summer events include Open Gardens. The Gardens of Easton Lodge has Open Thursdays and a Nature Open Day (18th June).

The Stansted Flyer June Update and Welcome

As I write I’m thinking about the long days in June. I especially enjoy seeing butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies dancing in the air and over water. If you’re interested in local wildlife – and perhaps taking part in 30 days Wild in June – why not look at

Inside you’ll find community information, news and local events – to take you into summer and beyond. If you have community news for us, please do get in touch.

Early summer events include Open Gardens. The Gardens of Easton Lodge has Open Thursdays and a Nature Open Day (18th June). The Rotary Club of Takeley is holding the first Takeley and Little Canfield Open Gardens (25th June) and until the 22nd July St Clare Hospice is holding its Open Gardens 2023, with a number of gardens available to visit.

Outdoor Theatre Stansted June

If you’re interested in outdoor theatre, Hatfield Forest starts its summer season with William Shakespeare’s  ‘Romeo & Juliet’ (14th June) or if you would like to do something creative, Saffron Walden Museum (funded by Rotary in Saffron Walden) has art and crafts for adults (17th June)and messy clay for children (24th June).

Stansted Mill

Stansted Mill will continue to hold its open days and highlights a need for more volunteer stewards for both public open days and school parties; can you help?  We also hear from Essex Libraries –   anyone aged 14+ interested in volunteering for the Summer Reading Challenge is welcome to get in touch. Find out more about both the volunteering opportunities and the summer events in your magazine, there may be some diary dates for you!

Competition Win Paradise Wildlife Park Family Ticket

We’re pleased to be running a competition this month to win a family ticket (for 2 adults and 2 children) to ‘Summer Evenings at the Zoo’ at Paradise Wildlife Park. The details are in your magazine and it’s very quick to enter. Good luck if you do! My family and I have been before; there is so much to see and do.

Charity News

Danaher Animal Home is looking for a home for Tiptoe and Bravo. If you’re an animal lover and feel you have the right home for these rabbits, they ask if you can get in touch please.  All the details are in your Flyer.

Sustainable Stansted reflects on what has been achieved so far – and what could be ahead – in a short interview with two Parish councillors. It’s informative reading. Stansted Tennis Club shares club successes and news as it moves into the summer season (Junior Summer Tennis Camps are back) and following the Opening of The Green, Stansted Bowling Club updates us on club games and events.

Lynda from St Mary’s Church shares details about the renewal of promises service and parade for 1st Stansted Scout group, Beavers and Cubs on St George’s Day. She also explains that the church is open daily from 11am-4pm, and even later in summer months. There’s so much to see and masses of literature on its history (I know this first hand, having visited) Plus there are events, tours and the opportunity to camp inside St Mary’s! So there’s a lot to discover.

We also have a variety of school updates for you to catch up on, including details about two summer music festivals. Do enjoy your issue and thank you for your support.

With best wishes

Stephanie Adams, Editor