The Martlesham Flyer September 2023 | Flyer Magazines

The Martlesham Flyer September 2023 edition 

In the September edition of the Martlesham Flyer. We share the September update from Martlesham Parish Council with an update. Also we hear from local community groups and charities.

Martlesham Flyer September 2023

The September edition of the Martlesham Flyer is here, and it’s packed with news and events from around the parish.

Martlesham Council

Dog on dog attacks

Please note below information provided by PC Miles – Dog Handler and Dog Legislation Officer following reports of several dog on dog attacks that have occurred in and around the parish in recent months.

“When a dog attacks another dog or animal on or off lead it is considered dangerously out of control.  It can occur in both private or public places.  It is a civil offence under, SECTION 2 OF THE DOGS ACT 1871 – this civil offence is recorded and investigated by police.  The most serious cases where serious injury or death occur the police will seek to prosecute the owner.  Courts can issue a Dog Control order or a Destruction Order for the dog.  Please keep your dog under control at all times, if you don’t have an excellent recall or your dog has a habit of approaching dogs or chasing things, be responsible and keep your dog on a suitable lead.  Dogs can be considered out of control even if it is on a lead (extendable leads give little control options). If your dog is attacked don’t panic or try to separate them, it is highly likely you will get bitten.  Try to distract the dogs, throwing water at them can be very effective or using a high pitched noise and then try and get your dog away to safety.  If you can, get the other persons details and any witnesses.  Always take your dog to the vets if your dog is attacked.  A puncture wound may not be obvious and infections are very common.  If you see a dog that is out of control and you feel may cause injury please call 999.  If your dog has been attacked and you are safely away from the scene, please call 101 or report the matter online for officers to make contact with you.”

A new water supply

Councillors have agreed to install a new water standpipe at the Recreation Ground. This will help us to establish and future proof some exciting planting and recreational projects in the area next year. Residents will notice some works taking place to install pipe work leading to the road where Anglian Water will connect the new supply to the mains.

Blacktiles Lane development

Martlesham Council has been busy discussing possible road names and new play equipment with the developers for the new housing site in Blacktiles.

Grants to local organisations in 2024

A reminder that applications for a Martlesham Council grant need to be completed and returned to the parish council on Monday 9th October. If your group wishes to apply for a grant, please use the following email  to request an application form. These grants are awarded for the financial year 2024/25 and will be presented at the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting.

Grants for carbon reduction projects

The Council has set up a grant scheme for carbon reduction projects.  Local organisations or groups are welcome to apply for a small grant at any time of year.  Please contact us for further details or to request an application form.

Forthcoming meetings

Held in the Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, IP12 4PB. Start 7.30pm.

Parish Council – Wednesday 06 September 2023

Recreation & Amenities Committee – Wednesday 13 September 2023


Contact the Council



Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email