The Martlesham Flyer Magazine November ’24
In the Martlesham Flyer magazine November ’24. Also we hear from local community groups and charities.
Martlesham Flyer Magazine November ’24
November Monthly Article
Wildlife does not respect parish boundaries
With this and climate change in mind, 24 people (10 from agencies and 14 Parish Council representatives), came together for a full day workshop in Ufford on 18th September, facilitated by Professor Peter Hobson, Writtle University College. The day focussed on evolving strategies for Nature Recovery for our most valued habitats. We were enormously helped in this by experts present from Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, Suffolk Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, Essex and Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Landscape and the Suffolk Tree Warden Network. National legislation now mandates the drawing up of policy and actions at local level. With the speed of global heating and biodiversity loss, it is vital that local strategies are both adaptable and flexible. Representatives from Martlesham Council came away feeling inspired to work together and to aim higher and there was general agreement, that whilst the parishes involved were all at different stages of their environmental journey, parishes could have a louder voice by working together.
Council Surgeries
A reminder that Martlesham Council is trialling a new initiative by holding monthly surgeries which residents can visit to bring matters to the attention of councillors.
Over the next few months, surgeries will be held by kind permission of the Runway Cafe Committee on the following dates:
Friday 15th November 10-12
Friday 13th December 10-12
Friday 17th January 10-12
Friday 14th February 10-12
Friday 14th March 10-12
Friday 18th April 10-12
Tree of the Month – November 2024
Western Red Cedar, Thuja plicata
This month’s tree has been selected by Tree Warden, John Burges and is a fine example of a tall, conical evergreen red cedar tree. It can be found on the boundary of the Felixstowe Road opposite Mill Lane near the entrance to the common. Western red cedars are pyramidal in shape, with a broad trunk and dense fern-like foliage. The bark is ridged and dark reddish-brown. Look out for flat sprays of foliage which have a sweet pineapple fragrance when crushed.
If you would like to suggest a candidate for Martlesham Tree of the Month, do please contact the Tree Wardens, Jane and John via
All Council meetings are open to the public, who are welcome to ask questions or make comments to the Council during a public forum.
Forthcoming Meetings
Wednesday November 6th, Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday November 13th, Recreation and Amenities Committee
Before attending, we strongly recommend you check our website or noticeboards in case of changes.
Contacting the Council
As residents are aware, Diane Linsley the Parish Clerk, retired at the end of the summer. Please bear with us in the interim period before a new Clerk is appointed. Councillors and our two Council Officers are working hard to attend to the daily business of the Council, but due to the current volume of work in the absence of the Clerk, we may not be able to answer enquiries as quickly as usual.
Councillors and staff can be contacted at the Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, Woodbridge, IP124BP.
Telephone 01473 612632. Please leave a message if no reply and we will get back to you as necessary.
Please follow us on our Facebook page which is @martlesham Parish.
The full address is
Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email