The Martlesham Flyer Magazine February ’25
In the Martlesham Flyer magazine February ’25 Free Community Magazine. We hear from local community groups and charities in Martlesham and surrounds.
Martlesham Flyer Magazine February ’25
Martlesham Council
Martlesham Council
New Clerk/Chief Officer
In January, the Council was delighted to welcome new Clerk/ Chief Officer, Lisa Burgess.
We wish Lisa much success and happiness in her new role.
Parish Precept 2025/26
At their January meeting, councillors agreed the budget for the 2025/26 financial year.
It has been necessary to increase the Parish Precept (the amount of money the Parish Council requires from Council taxpayers in our area). An increase of 7.1% was agreed, which represents £74.71 for an average Band D property.
The increase has been necessary due to increased land maintenance, staffing and administration costs.
Martlesham Village Fete Save the Date!
This year’s Village Fete will take place on Saturday 19th July 2025. More information to follow in the next few months.
Brightwell Lakes Update
Councillors attend Brightwell Lakes ‘forum’ meetings with developers Taylor Wimpey and planners from East Suffolk Council. Here are the latest headlines and updates from the last forum:
The first residents moved into their new homes in December 2024 and January 2025. We wish them every happiness in their new homes, which are all within the parcel of land known as E1.
Brightwell Lakes has outline planning consent for up to 2000 homes plus the extensive infrastructure associated with a site of this scale. The anticipated completion date for all 2000 homes has been brought forward to 2039.
Before each parcel of land can be developed, a detailed ‘reserved matters’ application must be submitted and planning permission granted by East Suffolk Council.
Parcel W5, 69 homes, has been sold to developer ‘Denbury Homes’ (previously Hopkins & Moore.)
Metal fencing has been erected to delineate safe walking routes during construction.
Earthworks taking place from February-September 2025 will enable the infrastructure for the school, local centre, sports pitches, SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space), and housing parcels E2 and E3.
Council Surgeries
Over the next few months, surgeries will be held by kind permission of the Runway Cafe Committee on the following dates:
Friday 14th February 10-12
Friday 14th March 10-12
Friday 18th April 10-12
Forthcoming Meetings
All Council meetings are open to the public, who are welcome to ask questions or make comments to the Council during a public forum. This month’s meetings are as follows:
Wednesday 5th February 2025, Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 19th February 2025, Development, Environment and Transport Committee
Wednesday 26th February 2025, Finance and General Purposes Committee
Before attending, we strongly recommend you check our website or noticeboards in case of changes.
Contacting the Council
Councillors and staff can be contacted at the Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, Woodbridge, IP124BP.
Telephone 01473 612632. Please leave a message if no reply and we will get back to you as necessary.
Please follow us on our Facebook page which is @martlesham Parish.
The full address is https://www.
Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email