The Martlesham Flyer August 2023 | Flyer Magazines

The Martlesham Flyer August 2023 edition 

In the August edition of the Martlesham Flyer. We share the August update from Martlesham Parish Council with an update. Also we hear from local community groups and charities.

Martlesham Flyer August 2023

The August edition of the Martlesham Flyer is here, and it’s packed with news and events from around the parish.

Martlesham Council

Resignation of Mike Williamson, Chairman of the Parish Council

Mike Williamson joined the council in May 2019 and it wasn’t too long before he stepped up and took on the important role of Chairman of Martlesham Council. In his time with the council, he has represented the parish on a number of organisations, voicing residents’ concerns on anti-social behaviour issues at Police ASB meetings and trying to influence the development of a sustainable public transport system which meets local needs at meetings concerning countywide bus networks. He was also instrumental in helping the council explore new energy systems which resulted in the council deciding to install solar panels which will be fitted this autumn. His hands on approach has meant helping out with the village fete, being a Trim Trail inspector, assisting with the upgrade of the Jubilee Playspace, maintaining a Parish Council noticeboard and being the eyes and ears for Martlesham Common Local Nature Reserve not to mention his invaluable DIY skills that, amongst other things, fixed the Parish Room clock!

Martlesham Council thanks Mike for his valued contribution to the council and wishes him all the very best for the future.

Our Vice Chairman, Laurence Burrows, is currently Acting Chairman.

During this holiday period why not consider being a councillor with Martlesham Council. If you take an interest in looking after local play areas, street furniture, open spaces; want to try and influence housing, business, retail development in your parish; want to improve footpaths, pedestrian & cycling facilities or take an interest in ensuring public funds are properly accounted for and allocated where needed, then Parish Council membership might be right for you!  As the full Council does not formally meet in August, the next opportunity to be appointed is 06 September 2023.  Please contact the Clerk for more information or just come along to a meeting – we’d love to hear from you.

Community Speed Watch Scheme

Community Speed Watch is an educational scheme to help people reduce speeding traffic though their community. The scheme enables volunteers to work within their community to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and to help control the problem locally.

Martlesham Council is supporting the setting up of a Community Speed Watch Group to help reduce speeding in a few ‘speeding hot spots’ identified by its SID (Speed Indicator Device) and is looking for volunteers to join this new venture. If you would like to be involved or would like more information, contact the Clerk.

Grants to local organisations in 2024

The Parish Council will be considering all applications for grants from local organisations in the autumn. If your group wishes to apply for a grant, please use the following email  to request an application form. All application forms to be completed and returned to the Parish Council by Monday 09 October 2023. These grants are awarded for the financial year 2024/25 and will be presented at the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting.

For information on forthcoming meetings please go to website:

Please note there is no full Parish Council meeting in August

Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email