The Ipswich Flyer Magazine February '25 | Flyer Magazines

The Ipswich Flyer Magazine February ’25

In The Ipswich Flyer Magazine February ’25 | Flyer Magazines has an February update from local groups and community news. And we also many local events happening in February in Ipswich and District. We also have the regular news from local community groups and charities in this free local magazine.

The Ipswich Flyer Magazine February ’25 | Flyer Magazines

£10,000 grant from NW Ipswich Big Local Trust

Broomhill Pool Trust is delighted to have received a £10,000 funding grant from NW Ipswich Big Local Trust.
Julie Marker, Community Officer at the BLT visited the pool earlier this year.
“Stepping into Broomhill Pool, it’s like entering a time capsule. The once vibrant community hub, frozen in time, now stands as a testament to bygone days. But amidst its stillness, there’s an air of anticipation, a promise of revival.
“Broomhill Pool was a key recreation facility serving northwest Ipswich (and far beyond) for many years.
“The BLT is delighted to give our backing to its restoration and we know what it means for so many people here. “
The Ipswich Flyer Magazine February ’25 | Flyer Magazines
Mark Ling, Broomhill Pool Trust Chairman added,
“This generous grant from a key community partner is a positive message to the pool’s stakeholders. It demonstrates resolute support from the local community.
“First and foremost, the funds can help securing and restoring the pool facility. The Trust will ensure that the funding is used to directly benefit the local community.
“As a longer-term objective, the Trust understands that any works to the diving stage will be in the second phase of the restoration plans. The Trust is working closely with Fusion Lifestyle on this.
Note: The Trust has already successfully lobbied to secure the pool depth at 15ft so that high diving is very much possible.
Grade II listed Broomhill Pool will continue to be the deepest outdoor public pool in Britain (jointly with Hilsea Lido in Portsmouth).
For more information about NW Ipswich BIg Local Trust, please see &
For more information and updates about the pool, please see & BroomhillPoolTrust