The Felixstowe Flyer February '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Felixstowe Flyer February 2022

In The Felixstowe Flyer February edition, we hear from Landguard about their upcoming Open Day. And other updates from local community groups, such as The Felixstowe Master Mariners Club , also local schools and organisations.

What’s going on at Landguard in 2023? Come and have a look!

Come down and join us on Saturday 18 March 2023 for our Landguard Open Day at Felixstowe in Suffolk. Enjoy a cuppa and a quick peek to see how you could get involved in everything that’s going on at Landguard Fort, Felixstowe Museum and the Landguard Nature Reserve. The Open Day runs from 11.00am to 3.00pm. There is no admission charge, and a complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits await.

Meet the Landguard Volunteers Felixstowe

Have a little look around and chat with some of our great team of friendly volunteers. There are so many things that we are doing and so many things that you might enjoy helping with. As much or as little of your time as you can spare can make a big difference – it’s all valuable to us!

Inside or outside, meeting and talking to the public or helping with admin, archives or research. Marketing, events, retail, refreshments, maintenance, guiding and nature reserve tasks such as bramble control, grass cutting and access repair… so many things to choose from but all of them very important. No previous experience required! It’s also worth noting that volunteering is a great way to help your own wellbeing.

“From day one I was made to feel very welcome. What a great bunch of people! This is such a rewarding environment to be in and everyone is so friendly. Being able to play a small part… gives me a great sense of pleasure and achievement”. Volunteer Steve W.

So, what have you got to lose? Come down for a quick pre-season visit, a chat and a cuppa. There’s no pressure! We look forward to seeing you at Landguard – it’s a very special place.

For more information, please contact the Landguard Trust on 01394 444458 or email

The Felixstowe Master Mariners Club February 

The Felixstowe Master Mariners Club had a very joyous Christmas Lunch and were entertained by some “ top class “ singing acts from Member Chris King who led the singing of Sea Shanties and Members Mike Meadows, doubling up as Father Christmas, accompanying Chis Versey in leading the Carol singing.

At this Lunch, The Club Captain Timothy McGuire announced that The Club were once again able to donate financial support to eleven chosen maritime charities :- Care Ashore, RNLI Harwich, Ocean Youth Trust South, The Marine Society and Sea Cadets, ECST, The Shipwrecked Mariners Society and Felixstowe based TS Landguard Sea Cadet Corps, The Seafarers Charity, Felixstowe & Haven Ports Seafarers Centre, 1st Felixstowe Sea Scouts and The National Coastwatch Institution.

Felixstowe Master Mariners Club

Felixstowe Master Mariners Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Felixstowe Ferry Sailing Club for a lunch provided by local caterer KB Catering ( ) followed by a topical talk by an invited speaker.

Talks are not necessarily marine related and have recently included an interesting presentation by Member and old railwayman (and shipping executive ) Chris Ridgeon, about the development of railway signalling.

Felixstowe Master Mariners Club Talks Update

The last talk in January was a fantastic talk given by Leonie Washington the Ranger for the 75 acre Landguard  Common.

The object of The Club is to foster professional comradeship among Master Mariners and those with Nautical interests in the sea and in so doing support maritime related charities with any excess funds generated.

The Club likes to maintain an atmosphere of high standards, good manners, smart dress code, cordiality and friendship.

Membership details and further information can be obtained from our web page