The Bury St Edmunds Flyer Magazine October ’24

The Bury St Edmunds Flyer magazine October ’24 we hear about upcoming community events and updates. And we also hear from local groups, charities and clubs.

The Bury St Edmunds Flyer Magazine October ’24

News from Bury St Edmunds council

Halfway through the Town Council year. As we approach the halfway mark in our financial year, I thought I would bring you a little round up of what the Town Council has been up to over the last six months and its plans for the future. We have changed our branding and can now be easily recognised by our Town Crest (above). Applications for Locality funding currently amount to £9578.52 to date – this figure includes support given to the following groups: The friends of Moyses Hall to support a wonderful exhibition by the Ukrainian artist Velerii Kaluiev. A family fun day at the Bridge Community Church New chairs for the Southgate Centre & Church Contributions to the conservation & preservation of Vestments for the St Edmunds History and Heritage Group If you know of any charities needing financial support, please contact your local ward Town Councillor.
The Mayor has been involved in judging the Young Market Trader of the year competition. She represented the Town Council at the Minden Day Parade, the Battle of Britain Parade and the VJ Day parade. She has re-opened the Macebearer pub. She also attended the licensing of the Reverend Sarah Quantrill as a minister of Christ Church, Moreton Hall. We are looking forward to a busy autumn starting with The Citizen of the Year award in conjunction with the Bury Free Press.
The Mayor will be attending many events including the Graduation of the Class of 24 from West Suffolk College, Citizens Advice AGM, West Suffolk Civic Service, Receiving the First Poppy of the year from the Royal British Legion and of course preparing for our Armistice Service on Angel Hill on the 11 November. Everyone is welcome at this service commencing at 10.30am on Angel Hill.
We are delighted to be supporting the Bury St Edmunds BID with the celebrations for the Christmas Lights switch on, taking place this year on 14 November – this is one event you will not want to miss!
If you would like to invite the Mayor to attend an event please email:; Follow us on Facebook and X

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