Business Details
Charity & Church Finance Consultants.
Charities – We are here to “Help the helpers!”
Reaching those in need is what you do. It’s what you are good at! Numbers, systems and all the boring stuff is what we are good at.
The best use of your charitable resources it to spend as much time and money as you can on your charitable activities. We at Marsh Solutions can help release you to do that. Get in touch to find out how we can help you review, implement and get continued support to grow and reach those in need.We love seeing God’s Church grow!
In Matthew 28, Jesus commands us to:
“… go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
At Marsh Solutions we want to see the local Church flourish by equipping & supporting those called to administrate with the practical and financial skills they need.Reviews
All of our review services are tailored to your Church’s needs.
These include but are not limited to:
Cash handling systems
Offering systems
Bookings & Rental management
Reoccurring rentals
One-off rentals
Debit/Credit card management
Data entry and management of:
Accountancy software
Donor management software
Church management software
Future Proofing your setup for growth, developing technologies & remote working.
All findings, improvements and results will be collated into a user friendly report and fed back to the Trustees, Leadership and/or Senior Management of the Church.Implementation
We can help you with:
Design & implementation of accountancy/donor/church management systems
Production of custom standardised forms & invoices
Automation and time saving
Training in:
Basic Bookkeeping
Fund Accounting
Donor/Church management software
Updates and upgrades to existing software & hardwareContinued Support
As you continue to grow. We are here to help with:
Understanding your monthly reports and figures
On-going training of staff
On demand software support
General questions and queries that occur as part of everyday activities
Specific projects and their managementWe are your helping hand; drop us an email.