Ipswich group, Suffolk Family History Society
Monthly Meeting, Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Soc
Yvo Henniker-Heaton presents:
A personal journey with Lord Gwydir through Stoke Park (Ipswich).
The original invitation read:
In celebration of his upcoming 100th birthday, Sermonda Burrell, Lord Gwydirs granddaughter, invites you to a week of celebration at Stoke Park. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a virtual stroll through the gardens and enjoy a personal tour of the house seeing many of the rooms and the artworks within.
A personal journey with Lord Gwydir through Stoke Park (Ipswich).
The original invitation read:
In celebration of his upcoming 100th birthday, Sermonda Burrell, Lord Gwydirs granddaughter, invites you to a week of celebration at Stoke Park. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a virtual stroll through the gardens and enjoy a personal tour of the house seeing many of the rooms and the artworks within.
This talk will come across some of the great and the good of East Suffolk etc – in 1899. It will be illustrated with some original photos.
The Event takes place at:
The Salvation Army Citadel,
558, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, IP4 4PH
Enter building via door off rear Car Park
Admission £2 p/p (members), £3.00 for others – pay at door – no need to pre-book, just turn up in good time.
Starts at 7:30 p.m, ends at about 9:30 p.m.
£2.00 for Society members, £3.00 for non-members who are welcomed.
(You can join the Suffolk Family History Society at this Event – membership is only £12 for a family at one address – if you are over 60 it costs £10)
£2.00 for Society members, £3.00 for non-members who are welcomed.
(You can join the Suffolk Family History Society at this Event – membership is only £12 for a family at one address – if you are over 60 it costs £10)
The Salvation Army Citadel, 558, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich Enter the building via door off rear Car Park, Suffolk IP4 4PH
Wed 5 July
Contact telephone: 01473 274300