The Newmarket Flyer August '23 | Flyer Magazines

The Newmarket August Flyer ’23

Welcome to The Newmarket August Flyer

In this month’s Newmarket Flyer: we hear from the Newmarket BID. We also hear about a upcoming events.  As well as news from local charities, groups and local comment.

News from the Newmarket BID August 2023

With the school holidays in full swing, and our beautiful butterflies in place throughout the town, Newmarket is truly alive with activity and colour. Being a working mum, I know the importance of being able to attend free activities with my children to fill the six week holidays. That’s why as part of our butterfly installation we have organised FREE events throughout the summer holidays.

These continue until 1st September so either scan the QR code or visit for more information. Don’t forget to pick up one of our butterfl y colouring sheets from any of the stores in town. Simply colour the butterfly, fill in your details and why you love Newmarket, and post in the special post box located in the Guineas Shopping Centre to be in with a chance of winning a family fun hamper!

Newmarket Entertainment August

This summer we’re also lucky enough to have free entertainments provided by Newmarket Town Council in the Memorial Garden every Thursday so there’s no reason for your little ones to be bored!

Activities for Gardeners Newmarket August

There are also plenty of activities in Newmarket for the grown-ups- if you haven’t been to one of Graze Kitchen’s pop-up events or the Tack Room’s ‘Funk in the Yard’ evenings, summer’s the perfect time to try something new! Check out the events page on our website for more going-out ideas. Our free coffee grounds scheme is going from strength to strength with Little Jessie’s Bakery, the New Astley Cage, and the Orangery now all on board.

Here’s a few ideas on how to use them…

Fertiliser for your garden- coffee grounds contain many key nutrients
Repel insects and pests by scattering them around your plants
Neutralise odours by placing a small pot in your fridge or freezer
Use them to scour your sink, polish your cookware, or clean your grill
Create a homemade exfoliating face scrub by mixing with a little water

Pick up your free pack today and let us know how you use yours by sharing on our social media. And don’t forget to return the bag to one of the participating cafes so that they can re-use it.