The Martlesham Flyer November 2023 | Flyer Magazines

The Martlesham Flyer November 2023 edition 

In the November edition of the Martlesham Flyer. We share the November update from Martlesham Parish Council with an update. Also we hear from local community groups and charities.

Martlesham Flyer November 2023

The November edition of the Martlesham Flyer is here, and it’s packed with news and events from around the parish.

Martlesham Council November Update

Susan Robertson retires after 22 years

The retirement presentation for Susan Robertson took place on Thursday 28th September and was attended by councillors and staff both past and present. The Chairman gave a speech thanking Susan for her 22 years of service recognising some of her many achievements as first an assistant clerk, then Clerk and her final 2 years as Finance Officer. Also thanked was Susan’s husband for all his voluntary work for the Council over many years. After gifts and a specially designed card were presented to Susan she cut a cake, home baked for the occasion. The Clerk gave a short speech recognising the rewarding working relationship she had had with Susan over the past 10 years. Martlesham Council wishes Susan a long, happy and healthy retirement after 22 years of service well done!

Brightwell Lakes update November 2023

Representatives from the Parish Councils of Martlesham, Waldringfield, Brightwell, Foxhall and Purdis Farm attend community forum meetings with representatives from the site developer Taylor Wimpey and team in order to provide an open line of communication with the communities most affected by the development. The next meeting will be in January 2024 and will include a site visit.

A significant number of new documents have been coming forward over the last few months as part of the ongoing planning application process for this development. These have concerned revisions or amendments to reserved matters applications which set out how the conditions applied in the outline consent by East Suffolk Council are to be met.

The latest applications include revisions to the site entrance and spine road, landscaping, acoustic bund, engineering and noise mitigation details and changes to window styles in order to comply with the latest building regulations requirements.

The Brightwell Lakes estate will be built in stages.

It is envisaged that the first plots for the stage known as ‘Parcel E1’ will be released for sale in late October/early November.

Taylor Wimpey are currently looking into various aspects surrounding the provision of allotments. They have advised that the proposed Barrack Square cycle link will be completed by October 2024.

Road names for ‘Parcel E1’ have been finalised and will be as follows:

Faraday Road, Phillips Crescent, Morse End, Steven’s Place, Siddeley Drive, Hammond Close and Blackburn Close. The main spine road will be known as Auster Way.

Recreation Ground improvements continue

Visitors to the Recreation Ground in Old Martlesham will have noticed some earth works alongside the entrance track by the play area and picnic site. This is for a new water supply, soon to be connected to the mains water, essential for ensuring the success of improvements planned e.g. the sensory area and features project and tree planting and the continued maintenance of the site.

Forthcoming meetings

Parish Council – Wednesday 1st November 2023

Recreation & Amenities Committee – Wednesday 8th November 2023

Please note that Parish Council meetings will be held in the Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, IP12 4PB. All meetings start at 7.30pm and are open to the public, who are welcome to ask questions or make comments to the council during a public forum.


Before attending, we strongly recommend you check our website or noticeboards in case of changes.

Contacting the Council

Clerk to Martlesham Parish Council, Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, Woodbridge IP12 4PB

Telephone: 01473 612632 – please leave a message if no reply and we will get back to you as necessary



Please “Follow Us” on our Facebook page which is @Martlesham Parish.  The full address is

Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email