The Martlesham Flyer Magazine June ’24
In the Martlesham Flyer magazine June ’24. We share the June update from Martlesham Parish Council with an update. Also we hear from local community groups and charities.
Martlesham Flyer Magazine June ’24
Martlesham Council
Brightwell Lakes update
Taylor Wimpey is currently finalising details with East Suffolk Council for the next phase of their development at Brightwell Lakes. The proposals are for the delivery of 93 new homes, 22 of these will be classed as affordable.
There will be three character banding areas with a pedestrian link through the middle of the site.
A dedicated bus route will be provided via Brightwell Lakes, Adastral Park and Ipswich Station.
Taylor Wimpey have advised the Parish Council of the following indicative dates for delivery:
Central Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) 2026.
Play Area 2026
New School 2027
Sports pitches 2029
Secondary Local Centre 2030
Community Building and Local Centre 2032.
It is not yet clear whether the new school will be a through school. The type of school will be determined by Suffolk County Council. Taylor Wimpey will not be building the school, just preparing the site. There are also plans to create additional visitor spaces and to revise lighting plans by providing shields on streetlamps on the Ipswich Road in bat sensitive areas. Further planting will take place in October and November this year including hedging round the new pumping station.
Residents were invited to comment about the plans for the next phase in an online consultation which ran from 07 May until 28 May. It will also be possible to comment on the proposals via the East Suffolk Council website where you will find guidance about how to comment on a planning application.
Taylor Wimpey can be contacted for further information via the Brightwell Lakes website:
Forthcoming meetings
Parish Council meeting – Wednesday 5th June
Please note that Parish Council meetings will be held in the
Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, IP12 4PB. All meetings start at 7.30pm and are open to the public, who are welcome to ask questions or make comments to the council during a public forum.
Before attending, we strongly recommend you check our website or noticeboards in case of changes.
Contacting the Council
Clerk to Martlesham Parish Council, Parish Room, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, Woodbridge IP12 4PB
Telephone: 01473 612632 – please leave a message if no reply and we will get back to you as necessary
Please “Follow Us” on our Facebook page which is @Martlesham Parish. The full address is MartleshamParish
Do you have any news, letters, clubs, or groups news for our next edition of The Martlesham Flyer? Email