The Kesgrave Flyer July 24 | Flyer Magazines

The Kesgrave Flyer Magazine July ’24

The Kesgrave Flyer July ’24

In this edition of the Kesgrave Flyer Magazine July ’24. And we have an updates from local community groups and organisations as well as an update on upcoming events. Also don’t miss the update from sports clubs and local schools and community groups.

The Kesgrave Flyer is now available online! This month’s issue features a variety of articles, including:

The Kesgrave Flyer July ’24 Updates

Kesgrave Town Council
A big thank you to Councillor Stu Lawson’s East Suffolk enabling budget for the purchase of new seat, which was installed at the Rupert Fison Square, near to the Scout Hall.
Please remember to pick up after your pets. Dog fouling is an offence and not nice for it to be left on public footpaths and verges. There are plenty of bins to use and if they are full, please take your bags home to dispose of. If you notice an increase of dog fouling in a particular area or a need for an additional bin, then you can report this to East Suffolk Council – dog fouling.
Overgrown public footpaths can be reported online to the Highways Reporting Tool. Suffolk County Council – ReportIT Kesgrave Town Council are currently working on areas of conservation within the town and looking to establish a working group of volunteers to undertake various aspects of conservation in dedicated areas including, tree planting, bug hotels, wildflower areas etc. If you are interested, then please contact the Town Clerk on the number below. The picture below is a Bee Café on Legion Green, kindly donated by the Gt Bealings Climate Emergency Rapid Response Squad. A huge thank you to Paul Martin, who is the creator and designer of these wonderful cafes. In the background is our bug hotel – so we will be keeping an eye out on all the visitors we hope to attract!

Kesgrave Family Fun Day

Kesgrave Family Fun Day – 29 June 11am – 4pm. Held at the Millennium Sports Ground. Lots of free activities, Golden Gallopers Carousel, inflatable slide, helter skelter, WI Tea and Cakes, Fish and chips and lots more. There is still time to book your craft stall or charity stand, please contact the Town Council Office. Please walk to the venue if you are able as car parking is limited.
15th June Kesgrave Market at the Scout Hall from 9am
Town Council Meetings:
3rd June – 6.15pm Planning & Development, 7.15pm Finance & Governance
17th June – 6.15pm Planning & Development, 7.15pm Community & Recreation
24th June – 7.15pm Full Council – All meetings held at the Town Council office.
Kesgrave Town Council, Ferguson Way. Kesgrave. IP5 2FZ
Tel: 01473 625179
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 9am – 1pm
Closed Thursday

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The Kesgrave Flyer Team