Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Society Monthly Meeting | Flyer Magazines


Jan 04 2023


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Society Monthly Meeting

Ipswich Group, Suffolk Family History Society, Monthly Meeting                                    Weds 4th January 2023

The Ipswich Mint, and their Moneyers.
The fascinating tale of Ipswich silver pennies minted circa 973—1207.
Where were they made in the Town?
How rare are they?
Why was Ipswich the location of an English mint?
Tales of other rare coins from later reigns, often found and verified locally.
John, acknowledged coin expert, often helps the British Museum, local Museums and others. He has written a mighty reference book echoing his life time collecting and studying such items. He will be delving in dark areas of early English history.
Talk starts at 7:30 p.m.
Pay on the Door – no need to book.
£2 for members, £3 for non-members
Call 01473 274300 for more information
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